
Customer: Mol Group

The researchers of the future are tested by our programme






MOL decided to improve their research resources so as to reinforce the market position. The company would like to refill the resources from the 20 designated universities in 14 Countries. The question was how could they filter out the best applicants.



We were charged with develop a game that is based on real information and data. The program goes through the stages of the Exploration and Production with the members of the targeted groups. They can start exploratory drilling based on the geological researches and results of a pre-designated area and after that they can explore exploitable oil stocks. They can start manifold field development projects in order to transact this. The game helps in the understanding and increases the User Experience with 3D visual experience besides the background of professional decisions. The company starts a 1-year training program for the most talented in addition to the gratuity and after the training leadership positions can be offered to the participants.

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